Exchange sensitive information in an encrypted way on the Internet, needs a SSL/TLS.
A global standard security technology that enables encrypted communication.
We ensure that you can receive help any time.
Supported by every browser in use today.
Indicates your visitors that you are secure.
To secure and encrypt data with our 4096-bit SSL / TLS Certificates
Exchange sensitive information in an encrypted way on the Internet, needs a SSL/TLS.
Browser padlock, shows your audience that they’re in safe hands.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Brand | Validation | Browser compatibility | Green Address bar | Warranty | Free Site Seal | Free Reissues | Wildcard enabled | Price | Order |
Comodo Positive SSL | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | No | 19.99$/Year | Order Now |
Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | No | 115.99$/Year | Order Now |
Comodo Essential SSL | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | 37.99$/Year | Order Now |
RapidSSL Standard | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | No | 21.59$/Year | Order Now |
RapidSSL Standard Wildcard | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | 139.99$/Year | Order Now |
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | No | 101$/Year | Order Now |
Thawte SSL 123 | Domain | 99.3% | No | $10,000 | Yes | Yes | No | 61.00$/Year | Order Now |